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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 26, Issue 5, pp. 1089-1402

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A Stefan Problem for a Reaction-Diffusion System

Avner Friedman, David S. Ross, and Jianhua Zhang

pp. 1089-1112

On Interface Conditions for a Thin Film Flow Past a Porous Medium

Guy Bayada and Michèle Chambat

pp. 1113-1129

Existence of Shock Profiles for Viscoelastic Materials with Memory

Shuichi Kawashima and Harumi Hattori

pp. 1130-1142

Stationary Solutions of Boundary Value Problems for a Maxwell–Boltzmann System Modelling Degenerate Semiconductors

A. Nouri and F. Poupaud

pp. 1143-1156

The Equilibrium Plasma Subject to Skin Effect

Yong Liu

pp. 1157-1183

Lower Semicontinuity Conditions for Functionals on Jumps and Creases

Andrea Braides

pp. 1184-1198

Global Asymptotic Dynamics of Gradient-Like Bistable Equations

Konstantin Mischaikow

pp. 1199-1224

The Existence of Periodic Solutions to Reaction-Diffusion Systems with Periodic Data

J. J. Morgan and S. L. Hollis

pp. 1225-1232

Boundedness of Solutions for Quasiperiodic Potentials

M. Levi and E. Zehnder

pp. 1233-1256

Periodic Solutions of a System of Coupled Oscillators Near Resonance

Carmen Chicone

pp. 1257-1283

On the Bifurcation Structure of Nonlinear Perturbations of Hill's Equations at Boundary Points of the Continuous Spectrum

Tassilo Küpper and Thomas Mrziglod

pp. 1284-1305

Stability Criteria for Second-Order Dynamical Systems Involving Several Time Delays

F. G. Boese

pp. 1306-1330

On the Inversion of the Laplace Transform of $C_0 $ Semigroups and Its Applications

Peng-Fei Yao

pp. 1331-1341

Higher Singularities and Forced Secondary Bifurcation

Bernhard Ruf

pp. 1342-1360

Construction et Régularité des Fonctions d'Échelle

Loïc Herve

pp. 1361-1385

Some Results on the Convergence of Sampling Series Based on Convolution Integrals

Sônia M. Gomes and Elsa Cortina

pp. 1386-1402